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The Security Situation in Ukraine: Lessons for Foreign Investments

16. September 2024 @ 12:00 - 14:00

Zur Anmeldung

Seit Beginn dieses Jahres ist BIGS Partner im Horizon Europe Projekt CEDAR, das gemeinsame europäische Data Spaces für eine transparente öffentliche Verwaltung zum Schutz vor Korruption schaffen will. Eine der drei Fallstudien des Projekts befasst sich mit der Verwaltung von ausländischen Investitionen in den Wiederaufbau der Ukraine und ist Anlass für unser nächstes PizzaSeminar.

Wir freuen uns, unsere ukrainischen Projektpartner von SK Security, YouControl und Save Ukraine 2030 am 16. September in Berlin begrüßen zu dürfen. Neben Einblicken in Ihre Arbeit bei CEDAR, werden Sie die aktuelle Sicherheitslage und die politische Situation in der Ukraine vorstellen und über die Herausforderungen und Potenziale für ausländische Investitionen sprechen. Dabei werden auch rechtliche Aspekte und die Sicherheit der Investitionen thematisiert. Nach den Vorträgen wird es genügend Zeit für Fragen und Diskussion geben.

Das PizzaSeminar findet wie üblich in den Räumlichkeiten der IABG in der Friedrichstraße 185 in Berlin Mitte statt, Veranstaltungssprache ist Englisch. Bei Interesse melden Sie sich bitte über den obenstehenden Link an.


Über die Sprecher:

Olena Sukmanova, Supervisory Board Member of Safe Ukraine 2030 and Partner at Sayenko Kharenko

Olena Sukmanova heads Sayenko Kharenko’s litigation practice and has over 20 years of experience in resolving complex legal disputes and conflicts. Her specialties include anti-raiding and the protection of business and foreign investments. Before joining Sayenko Kharenko, Olena held senior positions in major banks and industrial holdings and served as the First Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine. In this role, she worked on EU integration, negotiated EU macro-financial assistance, and developed proposals in the areas of justice, freedom, and security. Olena is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Safe Ukraine 2030, an NGO focused on developing capacities and capabilities for security and justice and promoting the implementation of EU standards in the Ukrainian security sector. An active speaker and participant in professional and business events, Olena is recognized as an influential opinion leader.


Daniel Globa, Deputy Director for Legal Affairs, YouControl

Daniel Globa is an accomplished legal professional with over two decades of experience in commercial and civil law, tax law, intellectual property law, and labor law. He currently serves as the Deputy Director for Legal Affairs at YouControl, Ukraine’s leading provider of open data analytics solutions. Previously, Daniel held various positions in business associations and government agencies, focusing on drafting and monitoring legislation and providing legal advice. His previous roles include Head of Department at the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine and Head of the Legislative Drafting Department at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Daniel is also a war veteran who served in the Ukrainian Armed Forces after 2022. He holds a Master’s Degree in Foreign Affairs from the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine, a Master’s Degree in Law from the National Academy of Management, and a Specialist’s Degree in Law from Kyiv National University. His extensive legal background and diverse experience
make him a valuable asset in any defense and security-related discussion.


Viktor Drobotenko, CEO, SK Security

Viktor Drobotenko is a retired police colonel and seasoned security professional with extensive experience in both the public and private security sectors. He spent a significant part of his career in international peacekeeping operations under the UN umbrella and concluded his law enforcement career by coordinating international cooperation in the prevention and investigation of transnational organized cybercrime with the Ukrainian Cyberpolice. For the past five years, Viktor has been leading SK Security, a prominent Ukrainian security consulting company specializing in security situation monitoring and forecasting, corporate intelligence, and investigations. With a deep knowledge of the latest developments in information technologies, Viktor is passionate about modern technology applications in security. His extensive network of contacts in defense, public/private security, and business sectors provides him with a comprehensive understanding of Ukraine’s security situation and insights from the ongoing conflict. Viktor shares his expertise at various business and professional events, discussions, and awareness training sessions.


16. September 2024
12:00 - 14:00


Berlin, 10117 Deutschland Google Karte anzeigen