
Our research focuses on civilian and homeland security issues. From counter-terrorism and intelligence policies to social resilience and economic aspects of security, BIGS takes on topics that are at the center of the enduring conflict between liberty, security and prosperity. We analyze homeland security policies from a local (i.e. Brandenburg), German as well as an international perspective.

Zehn Jahre nach dem 11. September 2001

  • September 2011
  • Alexander Ritzmann
  • BIGS Essence Number 5

“This working paper provides a contribution to the discussion on the future engagement with al-Qaida. To this end, the three greatest strategic challenges for the present and the immediate future, […]


Strukturen des Terrors

  • Alexander Ritzmann
  • BIGS Essence Number 3

What makes a successful terrorist organization? Or to put it another way: Why have some terrorist organisations managed to be active for decades and pursue or even achieve their goals, […]
