Zehn Jahre nach dem 11. September 2001
- September 2011
- Alexander Ritzmann
- BIGS Essence Number 5
“This working paper provides a contribution to the discussion on the future engagement with al-Qaida. To this end, the three greatest strategic challenges for the present and the immediate future, from the author’s point of view, are presented, discussed and provided with approaches for action and solutions.
First of all, it is about the reorientation of al-Qaida towards a “”Jihad for everyone””. Of particular interest here is how exactly the threat posed by al-Qaida has changed and what tried and tested measures are available against so-called “”lone wolves””. The second part focuses on how to deal with imprisoned terrorists. In order to be able to discuss the question of whether extremists in prison can be de-radicalised and resocialised, a look is first taken at programmes in the Islamic world. The challenge with the greatest strategic weight is taken up at the end of the working paper: The conflict within Islam and the need to support moderate Muslims in their fight against extremists.”