in: IP – Internationale Politik, Mai/Juni 2016, S. 78-83
Mehr...Entzauberung durch Fakten. Wer den IS bekämpfen will, muss dessen Propaganda aushebeln
- 1. May 2016
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in: IP – Internationale Politik, Mai/Juni 2016, S. 78-83 Zeit Online, 29.05.2012
Mehr...The aim of this paper is to contribute to the current discussion on the dominant role of Islamist parties in the context of the upheavals in Egypt and Tunisia. In […] Zeit Online, 05.03.2012
Mehr...“This working paper provides a contribution to the discussion on the future engagement with al-Qaida. To this end, the three greatest strategic challenges for the present and the immediate future, […] Zeit Online, 07.09.2011 Der Tagesspiegel, 16.06.2010
Mehr...What makes a successful terrorist organization? Or to put it another way: Why have some terrorist organisations managed to be active for decades and pursue or even achieve their goals, […] GIT, 03.03.2011 Internationale Politik (IP), Ausgabe Januar/Februar 2011