WISIND – The Security Indicator for Germany

Project Description

From 2012 to 2015, the BIGS, together with the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), developed an economic indicator system to measure security and security economics in Germany (WISIND). The aim of the project was to measure the level of security in Germany. For this purpose, aggregated security indicators were formed from the components subjective and objective threat.

Within the framework of the WISIND project, BIGS has been collecting data on the security economy in Germany for three consecutive years starting in autumn 2012 in order to make the economic significance and development trends of the industry visible. The data basis thus obtained offers politics, business and society alike the opportunity to gain a sound understanding of the security industry’s contribution to the level of protection in Germany and its added value for German society. At the same time, the demand from private households for security goods and services provides an indication of the subjective feeling of threat as an element of the security indicator.


Gruchmann, Yvonne/Stuchtey, Tim/von der Heyden, Caroline (2015): Die Sicherheitswirtschaft in Deutschland 2014 – Wachstum und Wandel – Trends seit 2012, BIGS Essenz Nr. 15, Potsdam: Brandenburgisches Institut für Gesellschaft und Sicherheit.*

Gummer, Chase/Stuchtey, Tim (2014): „Civil Security“ and the Private Security Industry in Germany 2012, BIGS Policy Paper Nr. 4, Potsdam: Brandenburgisches Institut für Gesellschaft und Sicherheit.

Gruchmann, Yvonne/Schmidt-Bordemann, Dennis/Skrzypietz, Therese/Stuchtey, Tim H. (2014): Die Sicherheitswirtschaft in Deutschland 2013 – Marktanalyse einer dynamischen Wachstumsbranche, BIGS Studie Nr. 5, Potsdam: Brandenburgisches Institut für Gesellschaft und Sicherheit.*

Skrzypietz, Therese (2014): Die Sicherheitswirtschaft in Deutschland – Eine vertiefende Analyse der BIGS-Marktstudie, BIGS Standpunkt zivile Sicherheit Nr. 5, Potsdam: Brandenburgisches Institut für Gesellschaft und Sicherheit.*

*Publications are in German

Projekt Partners

Project Funding