Between Two Worlds – Cybercrime between Risk and Reality

Project Description

The protection of the Internet as one of the essential critical infrastructures of the 21st century and protection against cybercrime is the major trend in civil security. Despite this development, the data situation regarding the extent of attacks and the damage caused is very unsatisfactory. For this reason, there is currently a debate, not only in Germany, on how and whether to introduce an obligation to report incidents that fall within the area of cybercrime. Not only companies but also private individuals are sceptical about this idea and point out the problems associated with it.

In this 2013 and 2014 project, BIGS examined to what extent existing studies can be relied on for their data basis. In the process, the existing literature was analysed in detail and checked for validity. The aim of the project was to obtain an overview of the currently available information on the topic of cybercrime and, based on this, to make statements on its usability for companies and societies.

In this context, BIGS was particularly active in an advisory capacity for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and contributed to its Comprehensive Study on Cybercrime.


Krüger, Kristin (2014): Zivile Cybersicherheit: Cybercrime zwischen Realität und RisikoBIGS Essenz Nr. 14, Potsdam: Brandenburgisches Institut für Gesellschaft und Sicherheit.* 

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (Consultant among others Kristin Krüger) (2013): Comprehensive Study on Cybercrime. 

*Publication is in German