Cyberversicherungen als Beitrag zum IT-Risikomanagement – Eine Analyse der Märkte für Cyberversicherungen in Deutschland, der Schweiz, den USA und Großbritannien Kopieren

Cyberversicherungen als Beitrag zum IT-Risikomanagement – Eine Analyse der Märkte für Cyberversicherungen in Deutschland, der Schweiz, den USA und Großbritannien Kopieren

  • September 2017
  • Constance P. Baban, Tyson Barker, Yvonne Gruchmann, Christopher Paun, Anna C. Peters, Tim H. Stuchtey
  • Number 8 Perspectives on Homeland Security

Why is it not possible to insure against cyber risks in the same way as against burglary? This question was at the beginning of our considerations. If you look into this question, you quickly discover that although some countries and some insurance companies have individual offers, these are often tailored to the needs of large customers and often only cover partial aspects of cyber risk. In some countries (e.g. the US) there is a considerable demand for such products; in other countries (e.g. the UK) there is the highest number of insurance policies offered on the global cyber insurance market. What is the reason for this? What regulatory framework favours supply and demand in the respective markets and is it possible to efficiently make cyber risk calculable and transfer it into the hands of insurance companies? These are the questions we are examining in this study.

Tags: Cyber Insurance, Cybersecurity
ISSN: 2191-6748
Published in: German