Latest Past Events

Foreign Investments to Ukraine: Transparent Business Practices


In September, BIGS organised a PizzaSeminar in Berlin to discuss the security situation in Ukraine and the lessons for foreign investments with our Ukrainian CEDAR partners. Due to the high interest in this topic and some requests to learn more about the tools of our partner organisations, we want to offer the possibility for YouControl to […]

The Security Situation in Ukraine: Lessons for Foreign Investments

Berlin-Mitte Berlin

Register Here Since the start of this year, BIGS has been a partner in the Horizon Europe project CEDAR, which aims to provide "Common European Data Spaces and Robust AI for Transparent Public Governance". One of the three case studies of the project deals with the "Transparent Management of Foreign Aid for Rebuilding Ukraine" and […]

Dynamics of the Global Arms Trade: Between National Security, Economic Interests, and International Norms

Berlin-Mitte Berlin

In this PizzaSeminar we are going to take a closer look at the complex dynamics of the international arms trade. Adelaide Baronchelli, Assistant Professor at the University of Turin, will present the results of her latest research on this topic and provide additional insights into the significant ramifications of the arms trade on global security.