Esther Kern

Esther Kern

Esther Kern joined BIGS in August 2019 as a Research Fellow. She works in national as well as European projects on various societal, security policy and economic issues related to technology and security. Her research focuses in particular on cyber and space security. 

In her bachelor’s degree, Esther studied political science and history at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and in Connecticut, US. Subsequently, she earned her master’s degree in North American Studies at the John-F.-Kennedy-Institute at Freie Universität Berlin with a focus on foreign and security policy.

Esther gained first working experiences among others at Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik – German Institute for International and Security Affairs and the American-German Institute (formerly known as the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies) in Washington D.C. Prior to joining BIGS, she worked as a project manager for an European election campaign.

Latest Publications:

IT-Sicherheit von Weltraumsystemen

The risks of cyber attacks on space infrastructure is often underestimated. In this article, Esther Kern describes the exisiting vulnerabilities, how far-reaching the consequences of attacks can be and which […]

RescueFly – Einsatz von dezentral stationierten Drohnen („Unmanned Aircraft Systems“, UAS) zur Unterstützung bei der Wasserrettung in schwer zugänglichen und weitflächigen Gebieten

  The RescueFly project aims to make an important technical and socio-political contribution to the modernization of emergency rescue services in Germany. The use of decentrally stationed and highly automated […]

Wie resilient ist die Bargeldversorgung im Krisenfall? (DSD)

In: DSD – Der Sicherheitsdienst. Fachmagazin für die Sicherheitswirtschaft, Issue 02/2023, p. 26-27. Note: The text is based on an earlier contribution to the Protector, issue 04/2023.

Wie resilient ist die Bargeldversorgung im Krisenfall?

in: Protector, Ausgabe 04/2023, S. 50-51

Ein Sicherheitskonzept zur Stärkung der Resilienz der Bargeldversorgung in Not- und Krisenfällen

For three years, the BASIC project team, coordinated by BIGS, examined the cash cycle in Germany in terms of its vulnerability and, over time, came up with recommendations on how […]