Working Group on Risk Communication

Project Description

From 2011 to 2013, the BIGS working group on risk communication had set itself the task of investigating, on the basis of the political objective of “developing a culture of risk communication" at the federal, state and local government levels, to what extent this correct and necessary objective has already been translated into concrete administrative action. The object of the study was thus the relationship between politics, administration and citizens with regard to the management of significant hazards and damage situations in the context of civil protection and disaster control (civil defence) in Germany.
The results of the working group on risk communication were published with the position paper “Behördliche Risikokommunikation im Bevölkerungsschutz". First of all, the relevant framework conditions for realising the above-mentioned objective of communicating risks between citizens and authorities independently of circumstances were presented and evaluated. On this basis, conceptually justified recommendations for future administrative action were then formulated.


Baban, Constance P. (2013): Behördliche Risikokommunikation in Deutschland – Perspektiven und Herausforderungen, BIGS Essenz Nr. 12, Potsdam: Brandenburgisches Institut für Gesellschaft und Sicherheit.*

Weinheimer, Hans-Peter (2011): Behördliche Risikokommunikation im Bevölkerungsschutz, BIGS Standpunkt zivile Sicherheit Nr. 4, Potsdam: Brandenburgisches Institut für Gesellschaft und Sicherheit. *

*Publications are in German