Project Description
Since December 2018 ITEA-3 Project CyberFactory#1 (CF#1) aims at designing, developing, integrating and demonstrating a set of key enabling capabilities to foster optimization and resilience of the Factories of the Future (FoF). It will also propose preventive and reactive capabilities to address cyber and physical threats and safety concerns to FoF. Thereby, it will supplement and develop existing enabling technologies of the Industry 4.0 in relevant areas. The project will embrace technical, economic, human and societal dimensions at once and is interdisciplinary with 28 partners from seven countries, which are pilot users, suppliers as well as research and academic organizations. The German consortium joined in June 2019 with a project duration of 36 months until May 2022.
BIGS is the leader of the task Impact Management and within this role, is responsible for Community Management as well. Therein, it coordinates with the consortium partners on the publication and utilization of the project results. Additionally, BIGS contributes to the definition of misuse cases by identifying possible cyber scenarios, in particular the ones with intentional character and potential damaging impacts on the FoF. Furthermore, it analyzes the embedding of the FoF within its eco-system as well as human behavior in a changing and increasing digitized and mechanized factory landscape as a contribution to eco-system modelling and human behavior modelling.
Contact Person
If you have any question of BIGS’s work within CF#1 you can contact Esther Kern.