Vernetzte Ansätze für den Umgang mit fragilen Staaten – ein internationaler Vergleich
- May 2013
- Alexis Below, Anne-Sophie Belzile
- BIGS Essence Number 13
- Comparing Whole of Government Approaches to Fragile States
Dealing successfully with fragile states and crisis situations requires the coordinated use of diplomatic, humanitarian, development and security measures. With such a networked approach (“whole of government approach”), donor countries like Germany aim to meet the complex and closely interlinked challenges that exist for development and security in fragile contexts as comprehensively and efficiently as possible. This study examines innovative approaches to interdepartmental cooperation vis-à-vis fragile states in the United Kingdom, Denmark, Canada and Australia. For each country, the authors analyse the conceptual and institutional implementation of the networked approach on the basis of relevant strategies and frameworks, institutional arrangements and financing mechanisms, and the role of development policy considerations. In the final section, common findings from all case studies are elaborated and recommendations for the institutional development of the German approach are made.