Dark Krypto – Nutzung von Kryptowährungen für illegale Zwecke

Dark Krypto – Nutzung von Kryptowährungen für illegale Zwecke

  • November 2022
  • Johannes Rieckmann, Tim H. Stuchtey
  • Contribution

Blockchain technology and the cryptocurrencies based on it offer significant innovation potential for businesses and society. However, cryptocurrencies have at the same time become the favoured payment method for certain criminal activities. In this study for the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, Johannes Rieckmann and Tim Stuchtey provide an overview of the illegal use of cryptocurrencies. Based on their analysis as well as expert interviews, the authors provide recommendations for action on how to prevent the misuse of cryptocurrencies for illegal purposes while avoiding a disproportionate restriction of the technology’s innovation potential.

Published in: German