
Our research focuses on civilian and homeland security issues. From counter-terrorism and intelligence policies to social resilience and economic aspects of security, BIGS takes on topics that are at the center of the enduring conflict between liberty, security and prosperity. We analyze homeland security policies from a local (i.e. Brandenburg), German as well as an international perspective.

Cybersicherheit als Katalysator für Innovation und Wachstum

  • February 2020
  • Wolfgang Bretschneider, Johannes Rieckmann, Tim H. Stuchtey, Alexander Szanto
  • Contribution

The BIGS was commissioned by the Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (Expert Commission for Research and Innovation (EFI)) to conduct a study on the connection between cyber security and economic growth. […]


Sicherheitsverantwortung zwischen Staat und Markt – eine ordnungsökonomische Analyse

  • September 2018
  • Wolfgang Bretschneider, Andreas Freytag, Johannes Rieckmann, Tim H. Stuchtey
  • BIGS Study Number 6
  • OSiMA - Organization and Regulation of the Civil Security Market in Germany

The public perception is that the state is widely considered to be responsible for security. In practice, however, a combination of state and private responsibility for security is observed. In […]
